Celia our true friend

Created by Graham one year ago

Judith and i first met Celia and Ryan at Ashford School i think in about 2005 . Our second son Harry just started and he and Ryan hit it off immediately- as so did we with Celia . Many hours were spent cheering our boys on the hockey field or swimming. When she took on a job that required an early start to the day - she would drop Ryan at ours and we would take the boys into school. This became known as the breakfast club 😉. 
Judith fell victim to breast cancer and died in 2015 . As chance would have it , Celia was bereavement counsellor at William Harvey Hospital where Judith passed. I will never forget her kindness holding  my hand and offered light during those dark days . Because indeed- thats just what she was - a shining light .

i have read the other tributes to her as a young girl - and being depicted as this bubbly , beautiful person who was a hit with the boys as well as the girls - i can totally imagine. 

i miss her so much .